Monday, September 22, 2008

United We Stand !

Lately, a lot of friends and associates have been pushing the election and their "choices" for the new head puppet as we're currently watching in the fully televised Misdirect Circus '08. I suppose most folks are waking up (too late) and finally seeing that these crooks have been in cahoots with the Wall St. banksters. The turds at the top have known about, encouraged and participated in this swindle all along. This is the final slice and dice of the good 'ol U.S. of A. I guess people don't matter anymore. Apparently only corporations do now. We are their food. Fully marinated.

Heres an idea: Lets reward and reimburse the professional gamblers with our earnings- who've lost their or someone else's money at the grim reaper game - so they can keep the casino open? Does the Tidy Bowl Guy have any room in his rowboat? Zero accounting. Zero accountability. Get your hand off of my wallet, Bubba. We're talking TRILLIONS!

Wasting time and energy beLIEving you have ANY say AT ALL in the totally evil, Matrix Mind Manipulation of the masses is the same reason why I don't believe in poli-tricks. Not at all.
Here is my new "united" party logo and hopefully it lets some folks feel that "love" I have for our "leaders".

Treason Television- Watch it on your cell- or in it.

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